World Mental Health Day – Efforts in Support of Better Mental Health

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health.

Let me on this day, take the opportunity to highlight the importance of taking charge of your wellness through self-awareness, self-realization, and self-discipline. We live in a world where interconnectedness happens largely with help of technology and social media. Gone are the days of people helping and empowering each other, its seldomly found. So, I think being with one self or solitude is a great company to understand your needs better.

Contributors to a Good Mental Health

Do not confuse solitude with loneliness. Being alone helps you to connect to your deeper self, to be self-reliant. To enjoy the benefits of what you have practiced most importantly acceptance, discipline, and minimalism. All three are great contributors to good mental health.

Loneliness on the other hand is a distressful mental construct whereas solitude is choice you make to connect with your own self deeply and discover how interesting you are.

You become stronger, less impulsive, or just pleasure seeking. less critical of your own self or others. You observe the outside but seek an understanding only within yourself. It called self-awareness of the way you think and respond to anything and everything That way you experience calmness in hustle, resilience in uncertain adversities and joy in the simplest of things!

To sum up solitude is a great teacher and a way to self-care.

So, spend at least an hour every day, counting your blessings, writing them down, going for a walk while only observing, listening, and experiencing.

Its rightly said human beings construct their own distress not because of events /triggers /people but because of what they believe. Human beings are also smart enough to deconstruct their distress by challenging some of their own past thinking.

Importance of Mental Health

Create your own empowering lifestyle and do not compare too much the materialistic acquisitions of others on social media for all you know he may be miserable with number of houses, great job title and all the bank balance. Mental balance is more important than bank balance!!!

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