All Employees
Trainings We Offer For Corporates

Training to achieve personal growth and success by helping them to empower their minds with the help of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioural therapy)

  • Self-awareness of mindscripts ((story created by the mind as a response )
  • Changing limiting mindscripts
  • Creating new mindscripts to achieve desired goals


Phygital (Physical + Digital) training programs based on REBT for all employees to empower them to face challenges of professional life through continuous work on mindsets.

Productive and more practical mindsets that achieve business results.

  • less absentism
  • Reduced attrition
  • More fulfilling quality of life

Expert Medical Representative & Salesforce Training in Mumbai to Develop Strong Mindset and Softskills

Medical reps & Sales Managers
Trainings We Offer for Pharma Sales force

Mindskripts Training combines REBT based behavioral insights through assessments, followed by impact evaluation based on certain metrices to ensures behavioral change and increases productivity!

For Medical Reps & first line managers

Phygital (Physical + Digital) Training programs/workshops based on Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy 

We train the sales force to create mindscripts that builds customer relationships and fetches business.

Minute More in-clinic (GMI) /Ek minute aur 

7 skills to master for In-clinic effectiveness /Prabhavshali satrangi auzaar 

  1. More confident rep who not only builds relationships but also ensures target achievement
  2. First line manager with better coaching mindscripts and skills
For senior Reps

REBT based training for advanced skills like

  • Objection handling
  • Preparing to be first line manager

In the current  times of very less in-clinic time and poor attention span, we should now be delivering MORE in less time.

REBT based communication effectiveness workshop

Practical/successful  mindskripts for People management skills

We offer the following trainings
Brand Managers
Marketing Training
girl studying
How We Do

We have expert  REBT practitioners (Rational Emotive Behaviour therapy) who would work on whats most critical “Your Scripts and behaviours”

Methodology of Interventions

Step 1
Step 1

Uncover the core beliefs and scripts that are not useful.

Step 2
Step 2

Help the employee/participant, understand that the cause of reduced confidence is his own limiting scripts.

Step 3
Step 3

Challenging the scripts that don’t fetch desired outcome.

We ensure four main outcomes

Our Success Stories

First and second line managers
Changed aggressive & submissive to assertive mindscripts to Improve engagement scores with team & reduced attrition over 90 days

A group of 33 area managers and regional managers who experienced increased team attrition
Women in the corporates
Insight into their mindsripts and challenging negative mindskripts to enhance the assertiveness quotient

Group of women who feel disempowered in the workplace , who doubt their ability to rise to senior management levels
Sr sales Managers
Reported back to their job and reduced avoidance of field work .

For a group of 45 sales managers experiencing moderate to severe stress during Covid time resulting in phobic anxiety to get back to their field jobs
Diabetes educators
Use of REBT to -practise motivational interviewing and to increase confidence in people with type 2 diabetes and self- manage disease.

For a group of 150 Diabetes educators pan India who in turn would holistically counselling counsel hundreds of people with diabetes across India
Nursing, paramedical Staff & Doctors
Improved collaboration amongst the staff, responsiveness to patients & increase patient footfall Create a mindskript of patient first for everyone of new corporate hospital in Khed
Sr Pharma Sales Reps
Improvement in cognitive, emotional and behavioural parameters over a period of three months

For a group of Sr medical reps exhibiting dysfunctional distress and burn out reflecting in loss of business

Contact Us

if you need any assistance or simply want to chat with us, do not hesitate to use our contact channels, and we will be more than happy to assist you. Remember that your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are always here for you.