Rediscover Your Script for Confidence

I Know you don’t sleep.. I know you weep.. But hey you are not alone !

Almost anything can be resolved with a little help and care and then you feel the world is in your hands !

Before that grab a COFFEE in your hand and lets talk face to face or online.



Freedom from


Emotional stress and

Empowerment of Yourself

You just need to rediscover that confidence to take on challenges !!

Remember pain leads to growth.  

We offer you counselling services in the following areas:
We also offer group counselling to people who have common challenges because of the occupation like:
Counselling Services
At Mindskripts
Our Approach to Counselling
Here's how our counselling session follows:
Session 1
Session 1

It is about uncovering the root cause of the emotional distress . It’s a base session which works on your core faulty thinking patterns that cause distress

Session 2
Session 2

It is followed by certain assignments to see the work in progress and monitor his return of wellness.

Follow Up Sessions
Follow Up Sessions

When the counselees negative mindscript changes to a practical one he will write down his own story of how he/she regained his /her lost confidence This may take 2 -3 sessions for some and 4 to 5 sessions for others depending upon several factors.

It is differentiated in the fact that there is counselling and training for the counselee which helps him self-empower himself /herself.

The differentiator is Rational Emtive Behavioural therapy which works on the roots of the problem rather than just trimming the leaves

The counselling is transformative because the counselee takes responsibility of his wellness. And writes his own script of success

Book Appointment

With Vidyut Kanekar

Psychotherapist and REBT practitioner : 8928860400

Timings :  Monday to Saturday  6.30 pm  to 9.30 pm (strictly by appointment)