Mindskripts For Salesforce Empowerment

You will agree that productivity of sales force is directly proportional to their confidence and hence their ability to connect with the customers.

Performing and confident sales representatives often harbour self-empowering Mindscripts reflecting in their –

  • confidence
  • communication
  • connection with the customer

You will agree that the above are extremely critical for performance, since belief is linked to behaviour and finally to business.

“So, what’s your strategy to enhance the confidence of sales force in this competitive business environment?”

For the best implementation of the strategy, it is imperative that we pull up our socks and raise the self-esteem of our sales heroes.

At Mindskripts, we believe that the script or the story created by the mind will decide the response to the daily micro and macro challenges a sales person faces.

As the mind decides whether there is a need to gain or update knowledge and honing skills, it is the Mindskripts that needs to be practical and outcome oriented

We shall partner with your sales force from the induction phase to intervention phase with powerful psychological tools like REBT (rational emotive behavioural therapy) and TA (transactional analysis to train them to understand their mind scripts and help change faulty mind scripts to winner mind scripts.

We ensure seven critical sales behaviours in your sales force, leading to higher productivity and increased sales.

At Mindskripts, we have sales confidence experts with over a decade of experience who will work closely to understand your training needs and customize training interventions.

We shall objectively measure the leap in the in-clinic situational communication with creative brand reminding and short call pitching ability, post the training intervention

If the philosophy of this program resonates with your vision, then I would like to connect with you in person to understand your views and explore the possibility of working with you so that you believe, that we can deliver behaviours that fetch business.

Vidyut Kanekar


Visit Mindskripts for salesforce training in Mumbai. We have specialized intraining for medical representatives.

Unleash your potential with Mindskripts today!

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